Usefull advices
Search by name
How to make effective queries
Using wildcards
Cyrillic names
Using the bin
What is the bin and how to use it
Analog search
How to find the most similar media
Dispersion formulas
Dispersion formulas
Description of dispersion formulas
Properties of optical materials
Refraction index
Coloring (Color code)
Poisson's ratio
Young's modulus
Modulus of rigidity
Optical stress coefficient
Chemical characteristics of
russian GOST
Climatic resistance
Acid resistance
Alkalis resistance
Phosphate resistance
Temperature change of refraction
Temperature coefficient of linear expansion
Usefull advices
Search by name
How to make effective queries
For search to start please specify one or a list of media names.
Names in the list are enumerated using blank symbol, for
K8 N-BAF3 F4
In case when a blank is in medium name, enclose such names with
brackets, for example:
LaK L12 - finds two different media - LaK and L12;
(Lak L12) - finds the medium named "Lak L12".
Search by name is case insensitive, in that way queries
tbf14 and TBF14 are equivalent and give the same
Using wildcards
Use special symbols to increase the effectiveness of your search:
* - matches 0 or more symbols;
+ - matches exactly 1 symbol.
Query |
Result |
Comments |
N-BAF* |
N-BAF52 |
The result contains all media which names start with N-BAF
and finish with any symbols. |
N-BAF+ |
N-BAF4 |
Symbol * was substituted with +, thus the result contains
the media which names start with N-BAF followed with exactly
one symbol. In case of existance of the medium named N-BAF,
it is not listed in the result. |
N-B*F+ |
This example query matches all names that start with N-BAF,
followed by a sequence of symbols ending with F. After F there
must be a single symbol. |
Cyrillic names
In catalog GOST Rus all media names are in russian. In english
version of the site these names are automatically converted with
translit encoding (russian letters are substituted with appropriate
english letters) accoding to russian standart GOST 16876-71 (presently
GOST 7.79-2000).
Thus, it is possible to use both russian and translit names in
search queries, for example:
ÑÒÊ10 = STK10
ÈÊÑ30 = IKS30
Russian/Translit mode switches automatically with the language
of viewed version of the site.
The convertion of russian names to translit is implemented according
to the table:
à - a |
ê - k |
õ - kh |
á - b |
ë - l |
ö - c |
â - v |
ì - m |
÷ - ch |
ã - g |
í - n |
ø - sh |
ä - d |
î - o |
ù - shh |
å - e |
ï - p |
ú - " |
¸ - jo |
ð - r |
û - y |
æ - zh |
ñ - s |
ü - ' |
ç - z |
ò - t |
ý - eh |
è - i |
ó - u |
þ - ju |
é - jj |
ô - f |
ÿ - ja |
What is the bin and how to use it
The bin is designed with the aim to make it possible to analyze
a separate group of media. You can specify desired group just by
adding selected media to the bin. It is very easy to use the bin:
- add media to the bin;
- analyze them.
Adding is available anywhere at the site where you meet media names:
- medium properties page;
- page with results of search by name, by parameters or analog
- page with catalog listing.
Use the icon left to the medium name to add a medium to the bin.
You can gather a set of media just while surfing on the catalogs
or making different types of searches. To view the bin contents
just click on the "open the bin" link in the main menu.
To delete a medium from bin click on the icon left the the medium
name. To clear the bin click "delete all".
After adding you can proceed to analysis. The following functions
are presently available:
- diagram refraction index / wavelength;
- media map refraction index / Abbe value;
- media map refraction index / inverse Abbe value;
Media maps display all media in the bin. Only when more than one
medium are in the bin media maps are available.
How to find the most similar media
Analog search gives you the possibility to find media which are
the most close by their parameters to the selected medium (etalon).
First specify the etalon. For this purpose use link in the medium
properties page or click "analog search" in the main menu.
After you have selected the medium name please specify search parameters:
- Limit for the quantity of media found.
This limit sets maximum of media quantity listed in the result.
- Dispersion formula.
When a medium has several approxiamations of refraction index
you are required to select the one that would be used for calculations
of optical parameters.Working spectral
range (spectral range on which approximation of refraction
index was realized) is specified in brackets just after dispertion
formula name.
- Search source.
Select the set of catalogs searched for analogs. The default
value is "all catalogs".
- Search criterium.
The criterium which is used for analog search must be selected.
Search by refraction index, partial dispertion or Abbe value
are available.
It is possible to indicate several characteristics at different
wavelengthes. Choose standart wavelength from listbox or an
arbitrary wavelength in mkm. Please be attentive, the wavelength
value must be in working spectral range.
The result list is sorted in order of increasing of mean square deviation
of media parameters from etalon (first in the list).
Dispersion formulas
Dispersion formula is the approximation that allows to descript
refraction index as a function of wavelength .
A set of coefficients are defined for each medium (depend on formula
type). The coefficients are used for calculations of refration index
at any point of spectrum, where approximation was made. Border wavelengthes
of this part of spectrum should be defined for each separate approximation
to avoid data extrapolation.
Description of dispersion formulas
The Herzberger formula
The Sellmeier formula
The Conrady formula
The Schott formula

The Reznik formula
, where
, , , , , ,
, ,
Optical properties
Refraction index
Refraction index
is the ratio of speed light in vacuum to that in medium: .
glassbank uses dispertion formulas for
calculation of refraction indexes.
The dependence of refraction index from wavelength is called the
dispertion of refraction index .
Numerically dispertion is described by a number of characteristics.
Principal dispertion coefficient (Abbe value) – ,
and –
are refraction indices, that bound some spectral range, and –
is the refraction index for a wavelegth in the spectral range.
Partial dispersion is defined as ,
where and
are refraction indices for two wavelengthes that bound some specral
Relative partial dispersion is the ratio of partial dispertions
calculated for two spectral ranges. It characterizes the degree
of change of dispertional properties of a medium along the spectrum:
and are
relative partion dispertions for spectral ranges, corrispondingly
bounded with wavelengthes x, y and z, k.
All dispertion parameters are calculated with dispertion
Spectral internal transmittance (transmission factor or transmittance)
is the ratio of luminous flux transmitted through a medium to the
incident luminous flux:

The incident flux should be monochromatic, parallel, directed normally
to plainparallel plate made of isotropic, homogeneous, non luminescent,
non photocromic material.
Coloring (Color code)
The position of the transmission cut off in the UV range is described
by the color code. The coloring specifies wavelengthes
and ,
where transmittance is equal to 0.8 and 0.05 correspondingly.
Weakening – is the value inversed to the thickness of a
sample, which weakens incident flux in 10 (or e) times (light absorbtion
and scattering are taken into consideration).
– weakening,
– transmittance,
– sample thickness.
mechanical properties
is the mass of a unit of volume.

Poisson's ratio
Poisson's ration (lateral
deformation coefficient) – is the ratio of ralative lateral
expansion (narrowing)
to relative longitudinal lengthening :
The poisson's ration is the same for all directions for the amorphous
media, and depends on direction of applied force for crystals.
Young's modulus
Young's modulus
is defined as the ratio of the tension to the internal deformation:
– is the force perpendicularly applied to an unit of area.
The young's modulus is the same for all directions for the amorphous
media, and depends on direction of applied force for crystals.
Modulus of rigidity
Modulus of rigidity connects young's modulus
and poisson's ratio:
Abrasion is the realtive grind hardness, which defines the
ratio of volume of etalon medium grinded with loose abrasive to
the volume of test medium grinded in the same conditions.
Abrasion serves as technological criterion of deterioration speed
of a medium during grinding.
Each catalog defines abrasion in it's own way.
Optical stress coefficient
Optical stress coefficient defines the difference of optical
pathes of polarized rays in medium and characterises birefringence
caused by tensions in the material.
When elastic deformations appear the medium obtains photoelastic
properties. The medium becomes an anisotropic material, that causes
birefringence to appear: the passing through the medium ray polarizes
and devides into two rays - ordinary and extraordinary, which polarization
planes are perpendicular. This effect is called photoelastisity.
Refraction indices for polarized ray differ from refraction indeces
of not stressed medium. Photoelasity of a medium is characterized
by photoelastic constants
and ,
that show change of refraction index values for rays which are polarized
parallel and perpendicular to the tension line; another characteristic
is optical stress coefficient:
After force is removed glass becomes an isotropic material again.
Hardness is the measure of resistance to permanent set or
There are several method of hardness determinaton. The most common
method is the measuring of resistance of tested material to chisel
(indentor or ball) penetration. The hardness value is determined
by force applied to the unit area at place of contace of indentor
with tested medium and has dimention
(Knoop hardness, Brinell hardness, Vickers hardness).
Determination of Knoop hardness is standartized by ISO 9385.
Another method of hardness determination exposes material to scratching.
Classification uses scale from 1 to 10. The lower number corresponds
to hardness of talk, 10 - hardness of diamond. Theese numbers define
Mohs hardness.
Chemical properties
Chemical properties of russian GOST
Russian GOST uses two types of chemical resistance: the resistance
of polished glass surface to damp atmosphere influence (climatic
resistance) without vapour condensation (relative humidity 75 %)
and resistance to staining reagents (staining): neutral water, acid
and alkaline water solutions.
Silicate optical glasses are grouped into 3 groups by climatic
À – stable,
Á – middle,
 – nonstable.
Most of the glass are in A group. Optical details made of nonstable
glasses are covered with protective films.
Optical glasses are grouped by resistance to staining reagents::
I – stable,
II – half stable,
III – nonstable,
IV – nonstable glasses which require covering with protective films.
Climatic resistance
Climatic resistance characterizes the degree of influence
of water vapours of atmosphere at the glass. This influence, at
high temperatures espesially, causes muddy film to appear at the
glass surface. Chemical reaction is the result of reaction neutral
water from atmosphere with glass.
Technical information about ways of definition of climatic resistance
for O'Hara catalog is available at
In Schott 2000 catalog climatic resistance is defined as
result of transmittance change after glass plates exposing in water-vapour-saturated
atmosphere during 30 hours at temperatures from 40 to 50 Ñ.
Class |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
transmittance change |
< 0,3% |
>= 0,3%
< 1% |
>= 1%
< 2% |
>= 2% |
Resistance to acids
Reaction of acid medium with glass surface leads to staining and
destruction of glass surface. Resistance to acids determines
the degree of influence of acid medium onto glass.
Acid resistance classes are defined accoding to ISO 8424 (O'Hara,
Schott 2000).
Resistance to alkalis
Resistance to alkalis determines the degree of influence
of alkalis medium onto glass.
Standart method of alkalis resistence definition is described in
ISO 10629.
In Schott 2000 catalog alkalis resistance classes are determined
by time required for 0.1 mm layer dissolving by alkalis medium at
the temperature of 50 C.
Schott 2000 alkalis resistance classes are listed in the following
Class |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Time, hour |
> 4 |
1 - 4 |
0.25 - 1 |
< 0.25 |
Phosphate resistance
The water solutions used to clean optical glassesusually are not
pure hydroxide solutions, rather they contain polyphosphates among
other things. The phosphte resistance classes allow statements to
be made regarding the resistance of optical glasses to such detergents.
In O'Hara and Scoott 2000 catalogs phosphate resistance
classes are defined according to ISO 9689.
The influence of light acid solutions (breath, perspiration) results
in the wash out of some substances from glass, that leads to appearing
of interference color stains on the glass surface. Åðó resistance
of glass to such influences is discribed by staining.
The class of stain resistance in Schott 2000 catalog is
determined according to the following procedure: the plain polisged
glass sample to be tested is pressed onto a test cuvette which has
a spherical depression of max 0.25 mm depth containing a few drops
of a test solution (standart acetate, pH=4.6 (I) or sodium acetate
buffer, pH=5.6 (II) ).
Interference color stains develop as a result of decomposition
of the surface of the glass by the test solution. The measure for
classifying the glasses in the time which elapses beforethe first
brown-blue stain occurs at a temperature of 25 Ñ.
Class |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Test solution |
I |
I |
I |
I |
II |
II |
Time, hour |
100 |
100 |
6 |
1 |
1 |
0.2 |
Color change |
no |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Termal properties
Temperature coefficient of refraction
The refraction index depends on not only the wavelength, but also
from temperature.
The ratio of temperature change to refraction index change is called
temperature coefficient of refraction index. The value of
the coefficient can be positive or negative.
Relative temperature coefficient of refration index
is measured in air at certain air pressure, absolute coefficient
in vacuum.
Temperature coefficient of linear expansion
Internatinal standart: ISO 7991.
Temperature coefficient of linear expansion (TCLE)
characterizes relative lengthening of
glass sample after it's heating on 1 C:

The TCLE is usually measured in wide temperature range, so it's
value depends not only on the mediam itself, but also on temperature